Sunday, October 31, 2010

Turning the Page

Late last night I returned from a college media convention in Louisville, Kentucky and felt really convicted about this blog I began right before I started my semester here at Baylor. I was so excited to see what the Lord was going to do with it, and then He gave me the idea to do weekly devotions for the Baylor Lariat's blog. But that is no reason for me to simply post links to those devotions.

I know that I am busy with classes, writing for the paper, devotions, preparation for South Africa, and more... but I would really like to make an effort to at least jot down some notes about what the Lord is showing me throughout the week. He continues to reveal things to me, sometimes all at once or just in pieces, and I can never express all that He shows me in the Monday Morning Grace I write each week.

So whether someone reads this or not, I am setting a goal for myself to just keep writing to the Lord. God showed me some incredibe truth this week in Louisville about who He is, who I am, and where He is leading me. I am grateful for whatever clarity He provides me and pray that He will continue to give me a willing spirit to follow Him in obedience wherever He leads.

One thing He showed me is the difference between gifts and passions - which I have felt a clear leading to expand upon in the devotion for tomorrow morning, so just check out and click on the Monday Morning Grace tab tomorrow and you can read the word that the Lord writes on my heart.

Another thing He has been showing me is to pray dangerous prayers - as in, to pray with faith that He is who He says He is and His power is limitless. I feel like I have gotten into such a rut of praying for basic things that don't require much faith - while God is listening and saying, "Meghan, I am here. Don't you remember when my Son said that if you ask anything in His name, it will be given to you? Believe it."

So even though I fumbled through my prayers to the Lord this morning, I am excited to experience the journey He has in store for us. We can never be maxed-out on faith - there is always room to grow. As step forward in vulnerable uncertainty, desiring to draw nearer to the Father, I pray that you will do the same.

God has written an incredible story for us to read, and we are privileged to be a part of His mission from Genesis to Revelation as we turn the pages of the short story He has written for our lives.

This life is not about me. I don't want to waste another breath breathing for my own ambitions. Whether I eat, or drink, or whatever I do - I want to do it all for the glory of God.

Prayers and blessings,


PS: Here are the links to the last two weeks worth of devotions, sorry I'm late again!

Monday, October 18, 2010: "Run"

Monday, October 25, 2010: "Believe"

Monday, October 11, 2010

Wild Ride

I apologize for being incredibly behind on updating this blog. God has been bringing me through a crazy journey of faith that is leading me to serve Him on mission in South Africa from January through June of 2011. Your prayers are coveted in this time and I will post more about that opportunity soon.

In the meantime, here are the Monday Morning Grace devotions that have been available online since I last posted:

September 20, 2010: "Fire of Glory"

September 27, 2010: "Refreshing Rescue"

October 4, 2010: "Chosen & Called"

October 11, 2010 (today): "Forgiven & Free"

Praying that the Lord speaks to you in many ways this week, including these devotions.



Wednesday, September 15, 2010

New Opportunities

I apologize for the delay, but here is the link to the devotion I wrote for the Baylor Lariat Blog this week, titled "Fix My Eyes": I pray that the Lord speaks to you through it.

One exciting development on that blog is the fact that my editor-in-chief made a special tab just for the Monday Morning Grace devotional I write! So that should make them easier to access for you or someone else you know of that would benefit from reading the word God lays on my heart.

Also, this past weekend I had the opportunity to write my very first column! This is a blessing because by writing a column, I am given the freedom to write about whatever I want, and I don't have to do any interviews, or remove my voice, plus my column will run in the actual Baylor Lariat located all around campus and some college hot-spots in Waco.

I am not sure what day that column will run, but when it does, I will provide a link here to access it. Also, if you would like to keep up with the daily articles I write, simply go to and search "Meghan Hendrickson".

May you find the strength to trust in the Lord today,


Monday, August 30, 2010

Apology & Blessing

I apologize for not posting a blog for the past month, but I was waiting to see the development of an idea that has now become a reality.

I am a Staff Writer for The Baylor Lariat, the official newspaper of Baylor University.  God completely provided me this job as He was leading me to Baylor this Spring.  My beat for the newspaper is "research and teaching" and the articles that I write each day can be found at  If you search "Meghan Hendrickson" it should pull up anything that I have written.

But that's not the exciting part.  The Lariat has a blog that is up and running on wordpress and each of us got to choose our own "blog beat" so to speak.  When my editor-in-chief, Nick Dean, was telling the staff about the blog idea, the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to the unique opportunity that the Lord was placing before me.

Even though The Lariat is a newspaper, because we are at Baylor, a private Christian university, I have the freedom to write a devotional for the Baylor community.  I am incredibly privileged and excited about this blessing and responsibility that God has so generously provided.

Because of this, for now, I will simply place a link to my devotional blogs on this blog.  I am not allowed to post the blog itself on here.  My devotional blog comes out each Monday morning and has a fitting title: Monday Morning Grace.

As the semester progresses, if I find that I can balance my daily articles for the paper, weekly devotionals for the blog, classes, and all else that fills the day (including my own daily time in the Word and books that encourage and challenge me spiritually) - then I will return to this blog for personal posts.  In the meantime, I would love for you to follow the links I provide to the weekly devotionals the Lord writes on my heart each Monday.

Thank you for your patience and dedication.  Here is the link for my very first Lariat blog post titled Rush Season:

I did not anticipate this to be my first blog - but the Lord sure did, and so I was obedient to write the truth that He developed within me.  I pray that He uses it to speak to you today.

If you are interested in checking out the entire Baylor Lariat blog, feel free to do so at

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Fresh Perspective

So after friends, family, and mentors advising me to start a blog, I am finally joining the blogging world. I am uncertain as to whether or not anyone will read the ramblings of my soul, but luckily, I do not write to be read by my peers ~ I write to worship the One who has brought me out of death and into life. God gave me a passion for writing so that I might bring glory and honor to His Holy Name.

If you are curious about the address of this blog (brightlightdarknight) let me be honest and tell you I'm still discovering its depths even now. I had a handful of creative ideas for addresses, but this is the only one that hadn't been taken already. One thing I will expand on later is the fact that "Light" and "Truth" have been theme words for me this summer. The Lord's Light shines bright in me and through me, even in the darkest night. The same goes for all of His children that He has chosen to adopt into His family.

My prayer for this blog is this:
Father, I pray that whatever I share here would be Your word that You have written on my heart and not my own. I pray that You will make use of each word on this page in the lives of those who read this - that these posts would not bring attention to myself, but would direct attention to You and what You desire to speak to others and myself. Thank You for the freedom that You have so richly provided me to write about You and the freedom for others to read such writing. I pray now for those who are under a different form of earthly authority, that are facing extreme persecution for their faith in You - I pray that You will overwhelm them with the peace and confidence that is found in walking by Your Spirit. May You grant them the endurance necessary to continue to seek after You and Your Kingdom above all else. And may Your Gospel be made strong in them and be demonstrated through them in such a way that could only be fueled by the mighty power of Your Holy Spirit. May You continue to reign over every detail of this blog so that it might be a tool of surrender and a platform of humble worship before Your Throne and nothing more or less. I pray that if this begins to become something of my flesh or the enemy that You will extend to me the discernment necessary to see the Light of Your Truth and not fall prey to the darkness, nor cause brothers and sisters to stumble. Thank You for not only listening to our prayers, but for answering them in Your perfect way and perfect timing. Thank You for the privilege You have blessed me with to call You 'ABBA, Father'. And thank You for the joy that I find in being called Your daughter. I love You, Father. Thank You for loving me. May all these words be holy and pleasing to You.

Last week I woke up to the sunlight peeking through my window with this word on my heart that I have shared with a few of you, but decided would be fitting for my first post in light of my blog title: "Redemption & Restoration". Those two words prove themselves powerful in my life more and more with each day the Lord gives me breath. So I believe they will continue to echo through the journey of this blog:

Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder.
As a camera cannot capture the beauty that our eyes can see, so we cannot capture the beauty that God sees - in us and our surrounding universe.
"The King is enthralled by your beauty; honor Him, for He is your Lord." -Psalm 45:11
"The Lord doesn't see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." -1 Samuel 16:7
Let's live this day for the One who gave His life so that we might experience His beautiful redemption to the last breath.