Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Right Now

I have a world map hanging on the wall in my apartment next to my dining table to help remind me to actively pray for the nations. Today, while I was studying over my finance notes, I looked up at the map for just a moment, but my gaze was frozen. All of a sudden my heart beats quickened, my breaths deepened, and the tears began to rain down my face. My mind was immediately filled with images of people from every country in the world. Usually, when I pray for a country, I specifically lift up any local believers and missionaries that are present in the nation. I pray their light would shine bright in the darkness. Today was different. Today my heart broke for the dead: those who will die today who lived their whole life dead in their transgressions. Today I mourned over those who have not heard what I have heard - those who have not seen what I have seen: the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God is just. God is fair. God is sovereign. God is good. God has shown grace to me, a girl who deserves death. I pray He uses me to display His grace, rather than hide it in my heart. This is the word the Spirit led me to write in my finance notebook as I wept over the souls represented by the map of the world:

This world is dying
and I’m studying finance.
I’m reading about risk and return.
But I am not taking risks.
I am not living knowing Christ will return.
What if He came back today?
What would He find me doing?
Right now. Right this second.
I’m studying finance.
Right now. Right this second.
There are people
of all colors
of all nations
never knowing the name
above all other names:
That all the world
will know
His name.
For all who call upon the
name of the Lord
shall be saved.
This world is dying
and I’m studying finance.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!
His faithful love endures forever.

Has the Lord redeemed you?
Then speak out!
Tell others He has redeemed you
from your enemies…

Some wandered in the wilderness…

“Lord, help!”
they cried in their trouble,
and He rescued them from their distress.
He led them straight to safety,
to a place where they could live.
Let them praise the Lord
for His great love and for the
wonderful things He has done for them…

Some sat in darkness and deepest gloom,
Imprisoned in iron chains of misery…

“Lord, help!”
they cried in their trouble,
and He saved them from their distress.
He led them from the darkness
and deepest gloom;
He snapped their chains.
Let them praise the Lord
for His great love and for the
wonderful things He has done for them…

Some were fools; they rebelled and
suffered for their sins…

“Lord, help!”
they cried in their trouble,
and He saved them from their distress.
He sent out His word
and healed them,
snatching them from the door of death.
Let them praise the Lord
for His great love and the
wonderful things He has done for them…

Some went off to sea in ships…

“Lord, help!”
they cried out in their trouble,
and He saved them from their distress.
He calmed the storm to a whisper
and stilled the waves.
What a blessing was that stillness
as He brought them safely into harbor!
Let them praise the Lord
for His great love and for the
wonderful things He has done for them…

The godly will see these things
and be glad…

Those who are wise
will take all this to heart;
they will see
in our history
the faithful love
of the Lord.
                        -Psalm 107

I have been selfish.

I have turned away from your commands
and turned toward my selfish ways.

I am hurting.

My heart cannot long for you
whilst longing for what you
have already given.
My mind cannot contain
your visions from heaven
along with my world-centered thoughts
and self-centered ambitions.
I am lost.

I cannot hear your voice
when my whole self is
working so hard to listen
to the voices around me,
specifically, the voices above me.

I am wounded.

I cannot pick up my cross
and follow you
when my hands are reaching
for what is no longer.

I am desperate.

My deepest need for you
has surfaced
after I have sought sustenance
from nearly everything
apart from you.

Lord, help!
I am crying to you
in my trouble.
Rescue me from my distress.
Let all that I am praise you
for your great love and for the
wonderful things you have done
for me.

Thank you Lord,
for you are good.
Your faithful love
endures forever.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Nothing to Lose

"For you were buried with Christ when you were baptized. And with Him you were raised to new life because you trusted the mighty power of God, who raised Christ from the dead...
You have died with Christ, and He has set you free from the spiritual powers of this world."
-Colossians 2:12, 20

Can you imagine what life would look like if we grasped that we have already died with Christ? That we have already been raised to new life by trusting in Him? That through Christ we have conquered the grave and now experience life everlasting?

I imagine we would take more risks, pray with faith beyond measure, and dream BIG for the glory of His Name.

Let's live a life worthy of the calling God has placed on us. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Praying His Word becomes our reality,

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Over the past few weeks the Lord has opened my eyes to see so much revealed truth – I could write a book about it (and maybe one day I will). But for now, all He is leading me to share with you is the prayer His Spirit laid on my heart as soon as He woke me up this morning. I pray God uses this prayer to draw you nearer to Him in unhindered adoration:

Wow Father, Psalm 105 is such a powerful testimony of your sovereign will and your care in every detail of your perfect plan.

Following you in obedience is sure to come with struggles and persecution, but your hand will guide me and protect me every step of the way.

You go before me and you follow behind me.

Your Spirit is with me wherever I go.

There is no place I can escape from your presence.

There is nothing that can separate me from your love.

You send your chosen people before me to accomplish your purposes.

You will send your chosen people behind me to further fulfill your plans.

God, I was orphaned in this world, alone in my sin, and you picked me and adopted me into your family when you called me your daughter.

You have chosen me because of your grace.

So out of your grace, I ask, Father, that you will send me as one of your chosen children to fulfill a piece of your greater purposes for your glory.

I want the rest of my life to be committed to one thing: TRUSTING YOU FOR THE GLORY OF YOUR NAME.

Whether my life concludes today, or if it extends further, I ask that out of your great wealth of strength and mercy, that you will reveal to me in every moment how to exist solely to TRUST YOU FOR THE GLORY OF YOUR NAME.

God, I believe that if my every breath brings forth that belief – all else will follow.

I will worship you.

I will tell of all the things you have done.

I will pray to you with faith.

I will daily pick up my cross and follow you.

I will love you, and therefore, love the world.

I will live justly, in a right relationship with you, and therefore, spread justice through righteousness in all I do around this earth.

When others see me – they will see Jesus.

When you see me – you see Jesus.

May my every step serve to TRUST IN YOU FOR THE GLORY OF YOUR NAME, meanwhile pointing others to you.

May the face of Christ, and the definition of grace – the Cross – be written all over me and all I do, speak, sing, pray, write, think, dream, and believe.

I am your masterpiece created in you to do good works which you have prepared in advance for me to do.

I want to forever trust in you with all my heart, and lean not on my own understanding. In all I do, speak, sing, pray, write, think, dream, and believe, I want to acknowledge you – for you alone make my paths straight.

You are the way, the truth, and the life – no one can come to the Father except through your Son, Jesus.

For it is by grace I have been saved, through faith, and this is not of myself – it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.

I was bought with a price. I am no longer my own. I am yours.


I trust you Father,