Well, I definitely did not achieve my goal of consistently posting on this blog as the semester came to a close, but praise God that there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus! I am grateful that He meets with us at all times because His Spirit indwells us! This season of life has been such a wild adventure of faith, but I will forever cherish the lessons that God is teaching me and the precious moments of Truth He has allowed me to experience!
I leave the day after tomorrow to go to South Africa for nearly six months. It is hard to believe that it is already here! But I know that God is sending me out and it is the next step for me and my family. I am confident that He will be glorified in South Africa and in America! I look forward to seeing what He has planned for His Namesake through the surrendered lives of my family and dear friends!
Now, I promise to actually begin to post regularly on this blog from here on out - as it will be the place where I will attempt to update those who are interested in what the Lord is doing in South Africa! I sincerely hope that those who are reading this will testify to what the Lord is doing in their life as well! I do not know exactly what this blog will grow to look like, but I am excited to see how the Lord molds and shapes it as He molds and shapes me into His image more and more each day! If you are interested in knowing how to pray for me, this is probably a place where I will lay out my requests in humility. But I would LOVE to be praying for you too! If you have any further questions, just post a comment, or send me a message or wall post on Facebook, or shoot me an email at Meghan_Hendrickson@baylor.edu.
I will be writing for the International Mission Board's Global Communication Team Africa while I am away, so feel free to check out their website at http://www.africastories.org/. Soon you will see features that the Lord has laid on my heart! I will likely post links to those stories on here as well.
Prayers for now:
With such little time left and what feels like so much to do, it is easy to get stressed and fearful as I sometimes feel overwhelmed by my weakness. Please pray that God will flood my soul with His peace that surpasses all understanding. May I remember that I have not been given a spirit of timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
Please pray for my family, that they would feel the presence, love and power of the Father in their lives each day. May they confidently trust that He will keep me in His care - whatever that means in His plan.
Please pray for my team, that we will feel united in spirit and in truth while I come to work alongside of them this semester. Pray that we would be sensitive to the Lord's leading, that we would better know how to use the gifts and passions that God has given us to manifest something beautiful for His glory.
Please pray for all those I will come into contact with on my journey to South Africa and while I am there - I pray that when I leave, they would forget my name and my face, but remember the saving name and face of Jesus Christ.
Also, please pray for some dear friends of mine and myself serving the Lord across the globe this semester through Go Now: Lesley, Ryan, Megan, Jacob, Caleb, Mark, Matthew, Sunday and me. Pray that the Lord would give us a hunger for His Word and a deep desire for constant prayer while we seek to advance His Kingdom amongst the nations this spring.
Praise be to God that He not only listens to our prayers, but answers them! I'm excited to move forward in this journey of faith, and I pray that you would be anxious to follow hard after the Lord in this season of the life He has given you as well!
Here are the links to my final devotions that I wrote this fall for the Baylor Lariat's blog:
Monday, October 31, 2010: "Awake"
Monday, November 8, 2010: "Promise"
Monday, November 15, 2010: "Child of God"
Monday, November 22, 2010: "Eikon"
Looking forward to hearing how the Lord is working in your life,
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